Friday 27 March 2009

Acid Base Theory

1. Arrhenius Theory
Acid: electrolyte substance which in water produce H+ ion.
Example: HBr(aq) → H+(aq) + Br-(aq).
Base: electrolyte substance which in water produces OH-.
Example: KOH(aq) → K+(aq) + OH-(aq).
acid base svante august arrhenius

2. Bronsted Lowry Theory
Acid: substance that gives proton or H+.
Base: oxygen proton or accept a H+.
Example: H2O + NH3 → NH4+ + OH-
acid1 basa1 acid2 base2
Base acid conjugation couple has characteristics deviate only 1 H+.
For the reaction on the spouse: H2O and OH-, NH3 and NH4+.
Substance amphipirotic/amfoter: substances that can give or receive
the proton (H+). Ex: H2O, H2PO4-,HPO42-.
Beronsted Lowry acid base theory

3. Lewis Theory

Acid: electron pair acceptor.
Base: electron pair donor.
Example: BF3 + :NH3 → H3N:BF3
NH3 to give a pair of electrons to BF3, NH3 as base and BF3 as acid.
G. N. Lewis acid base theory

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