Saturday 19 January 2008

Oxidation Number

The rule of oxidation number:

  1. Oxidation number for neutral substance just contains one element = 0. For example, O2 = 0, S8 = 0.
  2. Oxidation number F = -1.
  3. 3. Metal IA = +1. IIA = +2. IIIA = +3. Ag = +1. Zn = +2. Other metals have more than one oxidation number.
  4. Hydrogen = +1 except in: Metal hydride = -1. NaH --> oxidation number of H = -1.
  5. 5. Oxygen = -2, except in: OF2 = +2. Peroxyde (Ex:H2O2) = -1. Superoxyde (Ex: KO2)= -1/2.
  6. The sum of oxidation number in a neutral compounds is zero. In H2SO4 compuond: H = +1 O = -2 S = +6 2H + S + 4O = 2.(+1) + (+6) + 4.(-2) = 0.
  7. Simple ionic compounds have oxidation number equal to the charge on the ion. Oxidation number of Na+ = +1. Oxidation number of S2- = -2.
  8. The sum of oxidation number in ionic compounds is equal to the charge on the ionic compound. At NH4+ oxidation number of H = +1 and N = -3. Sum = N + 4H = (-3) + 4.(+1) = +1.

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