Monday 23 July 2007

Asian Cup 2007: Good Effort Indonesia, Excellent Vietnam

Today, I have no work. I just have three day work at my office. Then I remember my football national team. They have been battle with Bahrain (2-1), Saudi Arabia (1-2) and South Korea (0-1). Although they have failed to reach quarter final, they have made very entertained show, especially when battle against Saudi Arabia. At this match, the referee from Uni Emirat Arab have very bad job, so embarassed. But, it's was showed that Indonesian National Team have a good prospect to future. The manager, Ivan Venko Kolev (Bulgaria) pens new deal. He made good job.

In other side, another national team from south east Asia, Vietnam, have an excellent job. They was qualified for quarter final before hammered by Irak. In future I'm sure they will growth become good team and increase their level. What was happened in this Asian Cup is a fact and has to accepted. The Socceeroes, Australia have been knocked out by holder, Japan.

Now, just four team who have reached semifinal. Japan will battle against Saudi Arabia and South Korea against Irak. We are waiting for a champion in Asian Cup.

2 komentar:

Anonymous said...

Ri.. kue ngarang dewek apa ora??keren nemen postingane nggo basa inggris, biasane be posting nggo basa brebes!!!xixixix

henryfekok said...

Ngarang dewek ndes karo sinau. Njajal proyek sapa ngerti olih duit lumayan nggo tuku udud.